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IECAH, member of the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO) 

European Peacebuilding Liaison Office 

IECAH is an official member of the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO). EPLO is a civil society platform of European organizations committed to peacebuilding and conflict prevention. Since its creation in 2001 by 16 European peacebuilding organizations, it currently has 55 member organizations including think tanks, European non-governmental organizations and NGO networks. EPLO’s mission is to influence European policy makers to adopt more effective and active approaches to securing peace and non-violent forms of conflict resolution in all regions of the world.   

IECAH shares the values and objectives of this network, recognizing the need to strengthen public policies in this area in order to contribute to conflict prevention and the promotion and construction of peace. Since the creation of the IECAH, we have carried out initiatives and activities to promote the study and dissemination of peacebuilding in the Spanish and Spanish-speaking world in line with the principles promoted by EPLO. In this line we have carried out studies, seminars and forums in the field of triple nexus, migrations and good practices. The IECAH also has experience in international mediation in conflict resolution, having collaborated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation (MAEUEC).   

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