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Completed the external evaluation of the project “Protection of human rights and basic assistance to sub-Saharan unaccompanied minor and adult migrants in extremely vulnerable situations in Nador, Morocco”

Esteban Palacios Blanco – Unsplash

In August, IECAH completed the external evaluation of the humanitarian action project “Protection of human rights and basic assistance to sub-Saharan unaccompanied minor and adult migrants in extremely vulnerable situations in Nador, Morocco” of the Fundación APY – Solidaridad en Acción, funded by the Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID) and implemented by the Moroccan NGO ASTICUDE. The evaluation has been coordinated by our colleague Alfredo Langa Herrero.

The purpose of this evaluation has been to ensure the protection of the lives and the alleviation of the suffering, with a rights-based approach, of sub-Saharan unaccompanied minors and adults in situations of extreme vulnerability in Nador.

The evaluation raises conclusions and recommendations of particular interest in the current context in Nador.

Final report


Evaluación completa


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