Luis Enrique Eguren
Physician (specialist in family and community medicine), NOHA Master in International Humanitarian Action, and Doctor in International and Intercultural Studies (University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain). Senior Advisor to Protection International (Brussels), visiting professor at the NOHA Master at the Human Rights Institute of the University of Deusto (as well as a member of its Advisory Council), and co-director of the NOHA Advanced Courses on humanitarian protection. He is an expert in the protection of human rights defenders and civilians in humanitarian contexts, and a trainer and consultant at the IECAH (Inspire Consortium) for DG ECHO (European Commission). He is the author of several books, chapters, and articles on humanitarian protection and human rights supporters. He has worked with several UN agencies and various NGOs on missions in different countries (El Salvador, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Colombia), and has carried out numerous short missions in the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.