From 2003 to 2023: some key elements of humanitarian action in the 21st century
Francisco Rey reviews the key elements of humanitarian action in the 21st century.
After studying Biological Sciences and Public Health and working in these areas and social issues for a decade, he began working in humanitarian action and cooperation for development in the mid-eighties of the last century at the Spanish Red Cross. Since then, he has been specializing in this matter, completing a Master’s in International Relations and diverse training in International Humanitarian Law and humanitarian issues in general. Along with his experience in the Red Cross, he has worked as a consultant in numerous NGOs (Doctors Without Borders, Plan International, Lutheran World Federation…), United Nations Agencies (OCHA, FAO, WFP…) as well as the DG ECHO of the European Commission and the Spanish Cooperation, and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). Since the creation of the IECAH in the year 2000, he has focused his work at the Institute, having launched the areas of training and technical assistance and promoting research in humanitarian matters.
His areas of interest range from general aspects of humanitarian action, humanitarian principles, IHL, or financing, to methodological aspects such as evaluation and monitoring or issues related to the relationship between humanitarian and development or peacebuilding. Since 2016 he has been part of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission (IHFFC), He collaborates with numerous Masters and postgraduate studies at various Universities.
Francisco Rey reviews the key elements of humanitarian action in the 21st century.